1W 1.5KV 2:1 SIP DC to DC Power Conversion / Over 32 Years Power Supply & Magnetic Components Manufacturer | YUAN DEAN SCIENTIFIC CO., LTD.

1W 1.5KV Isolation SIP DC-DC Converters / YDS was established in 1990 at Tainan, Taiwan and our factory Ho Mao electronics was established in 1995 at Xiamen, China. We are the leading electronic manufacturer with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and IATF16949 certified.

1W 1.5KV Isolation 2:1 SIP DC-DC Converters - 1W 1.5KV Isolation SIP DC-DC Converters
  • 1W 1.5KV Isolation 2:1 SIP DC-DC Converters - 1W 1.5KV Isolation SIP DC-DC Converters

1W 1.5KV Isolation 2:1 SIP DC-DC Converters

34DZ Series

1W 1.5KV 2:1 SIP DC to DC Power Conversion

2:1 wide input voltage 1 watt SIP-6 package DC to DC power converter. 34DZ series is a regulated output power conversion. The efficiency can reach 81%. The operating environment temperatures range is from -40°C to +85°C. It has industry standard pins and internal SMD construction.

The DC-DC power converter products of Yuan Dean are RoHS-compliant, and can be customized for products. The products are guaranteed for 3 years after sale.

Any OEM/ ODM requirement is welcome. We look forward to cooperating with you!

  • 2:1 wide input voltages range.
  • 6PIN SIP package.
  • High efficiency up to 81%.
  • Regulated output types.
  • Internal SMD construction.
  • No external component required.
  • Operating temperature:-40°C to +85°C.
  • Industry standard pinout.
  • Industry equipment.
  • Sensing equipment.
  • Instruments.
  • Wireless Network.
  • Telecom/Datacom.
  • Measurement.
  • Aviation.
Specifications typical at TA = 25°C, nominal input voltage and rated output current unless otherwise specified
Part Number Input
Efficiency Capacitive
Vdc Vdc mA %TYP μF
34DZ-05S05R 4.5-9 5 200 76 1680
34DZ-05S12R 4.5-9 12 84 79 820
34DZ-05S15R 4.5-9 15 67 80 680
34DZ-05S24R 4.5-9 24 42 80 470
34DZ-12S05R 9-18 5 200 78 1680
34DZ-12S12R 9-18 12 84 80 820
34DZ-12S15R 9-18 15 67 81 680
34DZ-12S24R 9-18 24 42 80 470
34DZ-24S05R 18-36 5 200 78 1680
34DZ-24S12R 18-36 12 84 80 820
34DZ-24S15R 18-36 15 67 80 680
34DZ-24S24R 18-36 24 42 81 470
34DZ-48S05R 36-75 5 200 76 1680
34DZ-48S12R 36-75 12 84 78 820
34DZ-48S15R 36-75 15 67 78 680
34DZ-48S24R 36-75 24 42 77 470
34DZ-05D12R 4.5-9 ±12 ±42 77 ±470
34DZ-05D15R 4.5-9 ±15 ±34 79 ±330
34DZ-12D12R 9-18 ±12 ±42 79 ±470
34DZ-12D15R 9-18 ±15 ±34 80 ±330
34DZ-24D12R 18-36 ±12 ±42 80 ±470
34DZ-24D15R 18-36 ±15 ±34 79 ±330
34DZ-48D12R 36-75 ±12 ±42 77 ±470
34DZ-48D15R 36-75 ±15 ±34 77 ±330
Input Specifications
Parameters Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Voltage Tolerance Vo, Io Nom     2:1 %
Filter Capacitor        
Output Specifications
Parameters Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Voltage Tolerance 100% full load     ± 2 %
Short Circuit Protection Continuous with auto recovery        
Line Regulation     ± 0.2   %
Load Regulation Single 0% to 100% Load   ± 1.0   %
Dual 0% to 100% Load   ± 2.0   %
Dual 5% to 100% Load   ± 1.0   %
Ripple & Noise Single Output BW=DC
To 20MHz
    100 mVp-p
Dual Output BW=DC
To 20MHz
    150 mVp-p
General Specifications
Parameters Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Isolation Resistance 500Vdc 1000    
Switching Frequency Full load, nominal input   200   KHz
Operating Temperature   -40   +85 °C
Humidity Non Condensing     95 %
Cooling Free air Convection        
Case Material DAP        
MTBF MIL-HDBK-217F @25°C 1500000     Hours
Weight   3.0 g
Dimensions   17.0X7.62X11.0 mm
Markings and Dimensions
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DC-DC Converter SIP Package 34DZ Series
DC-DC Converter SIP Package 34DZ Series

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1W 1.5KV Isolation 2:1 SIP DC-DC Converters - 1W 1.5KV 2:1 SIP DC to DC Power Conversion | Taiwan-Based Power Supply & Magnetic Components Manufacturer | YUAN DEAN SCIENTIFIC CO., LTD.

Based in Taiwan since 1990, YUAN DEAN SCIENTIFIC CO., LTD. has been a power converter, transformer, magnetic components manufacturer in Electronic Components Industry. Their main products, include 1W 1.5KV Isolation 2:1 SIP DC-DC Converters, DC-DC Converters, AC-DC Converters, RJ45 Magnetics, Converter Transformers, LAN Filters, High Frequency Transformers, POE Transformers, Inductors and LED drivers, which are RoHS approved with ERP system implemented.

YDS was established in 1990 at Tainan, Taiwan and our factory Ho Mao electronics was established in 1995 at Xiamen, China. We are the leading electronic manufacturer with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and IATF16949 certified. We Produce various products such as DC/DC converter, AC/DC converter, RJ45 with magnetics, 10/100/1G/2.5G/10G Base-T Lan filter, all kinds of Transformer, Inductor, LED Driver/Lighting products and Power bank. ISO 9001 & ISO 14001, IATF16949 certified power converter, high frequency transformer, magnetic component with reliable EMC and EMI / EMS / EDS lab tests. Power converter solutions for medical, railway, POE, etc.

YDS has been offering customers high-quality power supply and magnetic components, both with advanced technology and 25 years of experience, YDS ensures each customer's demands are met.